Surface Normals and Tangent Planes to Parametric Surfaces   

If r(u,v) is a regular parameterization of a surface, then the vector ru×rv is perpendicular to both ru and rv. Thus, ru×rv must also be perpendicular to the tangent plane spanned by ru and rv.
We say that the cross product ru×rv is normal to the surface, and the vector ru×rv can be used as the normal vector in determining the equation of the tangent plane at a point of the form (x1,y1,z1) = r( p,q) .

EXAMPLE 3    Find the equation of the tangent plane to the torus
r = á ( 2+sin( v) ) cos(u) ,( 2+sin( v) ) sin( u) ,cos( v) ñ
at the point r( 0,0) .        

Solution: The vectors ru and rv are given by
á -( 2+sin( v) ) sin( u) ,( 2+sin( v) ) cos( u),0 ñ
á cos( v) cos( u),cos( v) sin( u) ,-sin( v) ñ
so that ru( 0,0) = á 0,2,0 ñ = 2j and rv( 0,0) = á1,0,0 ñ = i. Thus, the normal to the plane is
ru( 0,0) ×rv(0,0) = 2j×i = -2k = á 0,0,-2 ñ  
Since r( 0,0) = ( 2,0,1) , the equation of the tangent plane at r( 0,0)  is
0( x-2) +0( y-0) -2( z-1) = 0
which reduces to z = 1.


Since the crossproduct ru×rv is normal to the surface r(u,v), the unit vector
n =  ru × rv
|| ru × rv ||
is also normal to the surface. The vector n is thus called the unit surface normal of the surface.  
It is important to note that n = n( u,v) is a function of u and v, or equivalently, that n(u,v) defines a unit normal at each point on the surface.  

EXAMPLE 4    Find the unit normal to the cylinder
r( u,v) = á 3cos( u), 3sin(u), v ñ
at r( p,2) = ( -3,0,2) .    

Solution: Since ru = á -3sin( u), 3cos( u) ,0 ñ = -3sin( u) i + 3cos( u) j and since rv = á0,0,1 ñ = k, their cross product is
ru×rv  =  ( -3sin( u) i + 3cos( u) j) ×k
 =  -3sin( u) i×k + 3cos( u) j×k
 =  3sin( u) j + 3cos( u) i
It is easy to shown that || ru×rv || = 3, so that the unit surface normal  is 
n =  ru×rv
|| ru×rv ||
 =  sin( u) j + cos( u) i  =   á cos( u), sin( u), 0 ñ
The tangent plane, which is the plane through ( -3,0,2) with normal
n( p, 2) = sin( p) j+cos( p) i = á -1,0,0 ñ
has an equation of
-1( x- -3) +0( y-0) +0( z-0) = 0
That is, the equation of the tangent plane is x = -3.
LiveGraphics3d Applet
click and drag the red dot to see n(u,v) in action.


Check your Reading: Does the tangent plane in example 4 intersect the cylinder at only one point?